Ultimate Irish coffee

Ultimate Irish coffee
This sublime combination of whisky, coffee and cream will go down a treat on St Patrick’s Day, 17 March.
Serves 2  / 
Prep 2 mins  / 
Cook 10 mins


100ml Irish whiskey 2 tsp Coop Fairtrade dark brown soft sugar 400ml hot black Fairtrade coffee 100ml local double cream;


1. Divide the whiskey and sugar between 2 heatproof glasses 2. Divide 400ml hot black Fairtrade coffee between the two, then stir until the sugar has dissolved 3. Lightly whip the double cream until just thickened 4. Rest a warm spoon upside down on the surface of one drink, then carefully pour half the cream over the spoon (so it floats on the coffee) before repeating for the other glass 5. Serve immediately


Drink responsibly. For more information visit drinkaware.co.uk